Drawing families to the Father's love.

 Our Vision

Prince of Peace Young Church draws families from anonymity and comfort to belonging and fulfillment in the Father’s love for us.


 Our Values

We’re not about the numbers, we’re about the individual

Excellence isn’t justified in attendance alone. We measure our success one disciple at a time.

We are committed to the uncommitted.

We believe the lost matter to God so they matter to us. We will do anything short of sin to reach people who don’t know Christ.

We’ll walk at your speed.

No matter where you are in your walk we have a place for you.

We’re grounded by grace.

We joyfully experience and depend upon the undeserved gift of God’s love.

We’re contributors not consumers.

The church does not exist for us. We are the church and we exist for the world.


Meet the Ministry team



Erin Ford

Director of Youth & Young Adult Evangelization

Confirmation Coordinator

Christopher Gasper

Coordinator of Youth Ministry